Wwe raw 18 september 2017

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Maryse is not there due to her pregnancy. It will take more than one suplex.

Dallas says his con is established. Cesaro deadlifts him into the ring and tags in Sheamus. DAILYMOTION VIDEOS HD QUALITY DAILYMOTION VIDEOS HD QUALITY DAILYMOTION VIDEOS HD QUALITY We try our best to give links of all hosts mentioned above, Some times links are switched in deleted hosts, If you need servile in any particular host, Request in Request Zone. DEAN AMBROSE SMACKDOWN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP THE USOS VS. Bray Wyatt makes his entrance. Video Package: Brock Lesnar vs. RANDY ORTON CAREER VS.

Miz does not appreciate being overlooked and forgotten again. Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Elias, and Jason Jordan will fight in a Fatal 4-Way tonight with the winner facing him at No Mercy. Angle grants the match. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose make their entrance and stand on the stage.

Raw Recap: September 18, 2017 - Bliss knees her to get away. Man showdown with The Eater of Worlds.

The WWE video leads us into the show. Angle welcomes the crowd to RAW. Speaking of animosity, Brock Lesnar will put up his Universal Title against Braun Strowman. The Miz comes out to the ring along with The Miztourage. Maryse is not there due to her pregnancy. Angle congratulates him on becoming a father. Miz tells him to save it. Miz does not appreciate being overlooked and forgotten again. Angle says he was about to make an announcement that will determine who will fight Miz at No Mercy. Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Elias, and Jason Jordan will fight in a Fatal 4-Way tonight with the winner facing him at No Mercy. Guys like Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas deserve a shot. Jordan has done absolutely nothing. Hopefully fatherhood will change. Miz says Angle walked away from his responsibilities. Miz will be a better father and a better champion than Angle. Jordan makes a suggestion for Angle to add Axel and Dallas to the match. Angle says the Fatal 4-Way will now be a 6-Pack Challenge. Miz says more people gives him less of a chance of winning. Jordan tackles him, but The Miztourage quickly grabs him. Jordan escapes and quickly sends them scrambling. Angle tells him to focus on his opportunity. Jordan hears the whispers. When they see what he does to Miz at No Mercy, those whispers will stop. Angle asks what he thought would happen when their secret was revealed. Jordan can either step up or go home. Angle says it takes more strength not to fight back. If he wants to get back at The Miz, he can go to No Mercy and beat him for the Intercontinental Championship. Nia Jax The bell rings, and Bliss immediately puts herself through the ropes to keep Jax back. Bliss ducks her and runs across the ring before getting out of the ring. Bliss gets on the apron and gets back in the ring after some stalling. Bliss applies a waistlock, but Jax powers her off. Bliss gets out of the ring once again. Bliss gets in the ring and hides behind the referee. Bliss then goes to blindside her with a slap, but Jax blocks it, wrenches the arm, and lifts her up. Bliss knees her to get away. Bliss tries to run away, but Jax grabs her by the hair. Bliss slaps her back and begins to run up the ramp, but Sasha Banks makes her way to the ring to scare her back. Bliss turns and runs, but she bounces right into Jax. Jax charges her, but Bliss moves. Jax hits the ring post shoulder-first. Bliss quickly takes her down with some kicks and a dropkick. Bliss goes to the top rope and comes off with a cross-body attempt, but Jax catches her and connects with a Samoan Drop for the win. Jax quickly powers her off before turning to leave. Bayley makes her way to the ring to a big reception from her hometown crowd. Bayley, Banks, and Bliss then tackle Jax down. Bayley stands tall in the ring with Banks and Bliss. Bayley then takes her down with a Bayley-To-Belly. Nice to see Bayley back. Hopefully after a few weeks off, the creative team figured out a way to use her better than they have. She was barely talked about as being in the match. Is she out totally? Ugh, could she win? There will be a Six-Pack Challenge to determine who will face The Miz for the WWE Intercontinental Championship at No Mercy. Jason Jordan will take on Curtis Axel, Bo Dallas, Matt and Jeff Hardy, and Elias. This tribute will continue throughout the night. Video Package: Brock Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman There will be a sit down interview with both men later tonight. Sheamus and Cesaro make their entrance. There are remakes everywhere. The people love nostalgia to escape their realities and go back to the good old days. He and Cesaro live in the present. They destroy nostalgia acts, just ask The Hardy Boyz. Nothing can go wrong, right? Something can and will go very wrong when they get their hands on them Sunday at No Mercy. Sheamus says their friendship is a fraud. Their thing will work as long as the good times keep rolling. It will stop rolling and their relationship will fade. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose make their entrance and stand on the stage. Rollins says it looks like Taxi Driver had an ugly child with Braveheart. They are having the time of their lives. No matter what, they are brothers. They get in the ring. Ambrose says brothers fight, but a real brother would never let a brother leave the house dressed like Sheamus and Cesaro. Anderson and Gallows come out to the ring. They are not Good Brothers. They took advantage of their disadvantage. Rollins and Ambrose seem hurt. Non-Title Match Sheamus and Cesaro vs. RAW Tag Team Champions Rollins and Ambrose vs. Gallows and Anderson Sheamus starts against Seth Rollins. Sheamus takes him down with a headlock, but Rollins quickly fights up. Sheamus shoulder blocks him down and hits the ropes, but Rollins takes him down with a dropkick. Rollins chops the chest and tags in Dean Ambrose. Ambrose chops Sheamus back to the corner, but Sheamus throws him off. Luke Gallows blind tags in off Ambrose. Gallows kicks and clubs Sheamus before knocking him to the corner. They trade blows in the middle of the ring. Cesaro uppercuts him in the corner and stomps him. Sheamus tags back in, and he punches away at Gallows. Sheamus shoulders him in the corner and hits a knee lift. Sheamus hits the ropes again, but Gallows big boots him back. Gallows punches him before eating a kick from Sheamus. Rollins blind tags in and hits a springboard knee on Sheamus for a two count. Ambrose tags in, and they hit a double-team suplex. Ambrose drops an elbow before Rollins drops a knee. Ambrose picks up a one count. Ambrose chops him, but he has a whip to the corner reversed. Ambrose elbows him back and hits a missile dropkick for a two count. Sheamus punches him before eating a knee. Rollins tags in and dropkicks Sheamus for a two count. Ambrose tags in and elbows Sheamus. Cesaro quickly grabs him and hits a Cesaro Swing into the barricade. Cesaro gets him in the ring and applies a chin lock. Ambrose gets out with a jawbreaker, and Karl Anderson blind tags in. Anderson punches away at Ambrose for a two count. Anderson then applies a chin lock. Ambrose fights up, but Anderson takes him down with a spinebuster for a two count. Gallows tags in and hits a delayed vertical suplex followed by a trio of elbow drops. Ambrose avoids a fourth. Anderson tags in, and Ambrose kicks him away. Rollins and Cesaro tag in, and Rollins takes him down with a Sling Blade before knocking Sheamus off the apron. Rollins hits Cesaro with a blockbuster for a near fall. Rollins goes to the top rope, but Cesaro uppercuts him. Cesaro goes for a gut-wrench superplex, but Rollins fights him off and hits a sunset flip turnbuckle powerbomb. Sheamus breaks up the pin. Sheamus stomps him and tags in. They go for a double-team powerbomb, but Ambrose breaks it up by tackling Cesaro out of the ring. Gallows tags in off Sheamus. Gallows and Anderson double-team to get the advantage and hit Magic Killer, but Ambrose breaks up the pin! Sheamus and Cesaro pull Ambrose out of the ring and send him into the barricade. Cesaro deadlifts him into the ring and tags in Sheamus. They hit a double-team clothesline for a one count. Cesaro applies a front facelock, but Rollins fights up. Sheamus distracts the referee, so he misses the tag. Rollins makes a comeback over Sheamus and Cesaro culminating with a tornado DDT. Ambrose and Anderson are in. Ambrose hits a pair of running forearms followed by a clothesline. Gallows comes in, and Ambrose clotheslines him down. Ambrose follows up with a swinging neckbreaker on Anderson. Ambrose forearms him in the corner and puts him on the top rope. Ambrose hits Anderson with a superplex before going back to the top rope. Ambrose hits Anderson with a flying elbow, but Sheamus breaks it up. Gallows gives Sheamus a back body drop over the top rope. Cesaro then clotheslines Gallows out of the ring. Rollins monkey flips Cesaro out of the ring. Ambrose and Rollins then clothesline Anderson out of the ring. Rollins and Ambrose then hit stereo suicide dives. They get in the ring and do it again! Ambrose gets Anderson in the ring. Sheamus blind tags while Rollins wipes out some opponents. Ambrose hits Anderson with Dirty Deeds. Sheamus knocks Ambrose from the ring and steals the win. Winners by Pinfall: Sheamus and Cesaro Good match despite triple threat tag rules being inherently dumb. It was long, but it picked up at the end. Miz says this match tonight is their chance to prove the critics wrong. No amount of favor will pull Jason Jordan from obscurity. Dallas says his pedigree is established. Curtis Axel says his father held that title. Miz tells them to take it one step at a time. Roman Reigns -Commercial Break- Kurt Angle is talking in his office when Goldust walks in with no face paint. Goldust wants a second chance against Bray Wyatt. Angle grants the match. Tonight, Bray Wyatt will never forget the name of… Dustin Rhodes. Curt Hawkins is in the ring. They will all bear witness to history when his 114 match losing streak ends. The answer to the question of who he beat to end the streak is coming down the aisle. Crews powers out and applies a side headlock. Crews gets whipped off, but he comes back with a shoulder block. Crews takes him down and goes for a standing moonsault, but Hawkins gets the knees up. Hawkins hits a kick to the head for a near fall. Hawkins punches away at him before kneeing him in the back. Hawkins applies a chin lock, but Crews fights up and hits a jawbreaker. Hawkins quickly comes back with a spinebuster for a near fall. Hawkins screams in frustration. Crews quickly boots him down and goes for his finish, but Hawkins gets out. Hawkins rolls him up with the tights, but Crews kicks out. Crews hits a spinning sit-out powerbomb for the win. The losing streak is now at 115. They even put a graphic up for it. Paul Heyman says Strowman will be beaten and victimized at No Mercy. Strowman has left Lesnar laying. Not many men have done that. Cole says there is truth in that. Heyman cuts of him and says Lesnar respects the fact that Strowman is the most capable challenger to come after the title. Last week, Strowman stood up after a German Suplex. No one has ever stood up after a momentary trip to Suplex City. Strowman says he can survive Suplex City and stomp it to the ground. Heyman says Strowman woke up the beast. It will take more than one suplex. Strowman says the ball is in his court. Cole says there are a lot of parallels between Lesnar and Strowman. Heyman asks why Cole is asking so many questions of the challenger. Lesnar is the newsmaker. Lesnar cuts Heyman off and gets close to the camera. Lesnar thanks Strowman for backing him into this corner and challenging him. The match is already sold. After all the interactions, this was ineffective. Unless Bayley wins the title on Sunday, they should have held off on giving her an immediate title opportunity. Does he walk, talk, or even look like Cena? Does he look like a jacked up white guy with a military haircut? Reigns lets his actions speak for him. Not only that… John Cena is the biggest hypocrite to set foot in a WWE ring. Reigns asks if Cena should come out, and they loudly agree. Everything Cena said in 2012 was just talk. Another disappointing promo segment. Renee Young is backstage with The Hardy Boyz. She says only one superstar can win a six-pack challenge. What if it comes down to them? Matt says he has to make it to No Mercy first. Bray Wyatt makes his entrance. Still photos are shown of The Demon Finn Bálor defeating Bray Wyatt at SummerSlam. Wyatt will face Bálor this Sunday man-to-man. Dustin Rhodes Last Monday, Wyatt defeated Goldust before wiping off his face paint. Finn Bálor then made the save. The bell rings, and Rhodes quickly charges Wyatt with punches. Wyatt quickly sends him into the ropes, but Rhodes clotheslines him down. Wyatt leaves the ring to recover. Wyatt punches him coming off the apron and head-butts him. Wyatt puts him on the apron and punches him. Rhodes comes back and sends him into the barricade, which nearly breaks. Rhodes then viciously sends him into the steel steps. Rhodes then leaps off the steps and hits a bulldog on the floor. Rhodes punches away at him before Wyatt pushes him off. Wyatt hits a running head-butt and puts him in the ring. Rhodes comes back with some right hands and puts him spread eagle on the middle rope. Rhodes hits Shattered Dreams! Rhodes hits the ropes, but Wyatt hits him with Sister Abigail out of nowhere for the win. Winner by Pinfall: Bray Wyatt Finn Bálor appears on the screen. He wants to tell Wyatt the story about a shy little boy that felt different. This boy buried his head in books about monsters while other kids played outside. This boy wanted to be greater than what was given to him. Eventually, this boy became a man. This man found a way to control his rage by channeling the gods and monsters he read about in books. This man created a Demon. Bálor has a very important question. If the Demon is the creation of the man, which one is more dangerous? At No Mercy, Wyatt will find out. Short match from Wyatt and Rhodes. Brutal promo from Bálor after the match. Michael Cole talks about Bobby Heenan being an original commentator on RAW. Booker T says Heenan was the best commentator to ever call his matches. The crowd gives Bobby Heenan a standing ovation. Tremendous video highlighting the career of Bobby Heenan. Loved the clips of him and Monsoon. Braun Strowman immediately comes out and slams him down. Strowman drags him down to the ring by one arm and throws him into the ring. Strowman deadlifts him up and chokeslams him down. Strowman then powerslams him down before posing. Neville gets in the ring and connects with a Red Arrow. Braun Strowman annihilated Enzo, who seems less popular than ever with the crowd. Enzo definitely seems on notice. Non-Title Match WWE Cruiserweight Champion Neville vs. Gran Metalik Neville starts off with some strikes, but Metalik comes back with a hurricanrana and a missile dropkick. Neville avoids a plancha before sending him into the ropes and kicking him. Neville gets him into the ring and kicks away at him. Metalik takes him down and hits a springboard dropkick to get him out of the ring. Metalik then hits an impressive summersault senton. Metalik hits a rope walk splash for a near fall. Neville soon takes him down and applies the Rings of Saturn for the win. Winner by Submission: Neville If they established Metalik even a little bit on , maybe the crowd would care about his mask being ripped. Elias is disappointed with Silicon Valley. Six-Pack Challenge Elias vs. Curtis Axel WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz will be at ringside for this match. The winner of this match will face him at No Mercy for the title. A big brawl breaks out with all the members of the match. Jeff punches away at Axel in the corner while Matt punches away at Dallas. Jeff then rolls Matt up for a two count. Elias clotheslines Axel down before attacking Jordan. Elias puts Jordan on the top rope and chops him. Jordan punches him back, but Elias high jumps to the top rope. The Miztourage quickly knocks him to the floor. Axel and Dallas go for a double-team superplex. The Hardy Boyz stop it and hit a five person Tower of Doom spot. Elias covers Jordan for a two count. Matt punches Elias back. The Hardys work together and hit Poetry in Motion on Elias. Matt rolls Jeff up, but he rolls through. Matt then hits Jeff with a Side Effect, but Dallas breaks it up. Axel and Dallas double-team him before sending him shoulder-first into the ring post. Jordan elbows Dallas and throws Axel out of the ring. Jordan hits Dallas with a belly-to-belly overhead suplex before shouldering him in the corner. Jordan then hits Axel with the same before catching him with rolling northern lights. Dallas breaks up the pin and throws Jordan out of the ring. The Miz grabs Jordan and sends him into the barricade. Matt hits Dallas with the Twist of Fate in the ring, but Elias breaks it up. Elias rakes the eyes and hits Drift Away, but Jeff breaks up the pin. Jeff hits a jawbreaker on Axel and kicks away at Elias. Jeff takes Elias down and hits a double leg drop to the midsection. Jeff then hits Axel with a modified Twist of Fate. Jeff hits a nasty Swanton Bomb on Axel, but Miz breaks it up. Jeff gets Miz out of the ring. Axel takes Jeff down, and Jordan comes in and hits Axel with a big neckbreaker for the win. Winner by Pinfall: Jason Jordan Jason Jordan will be going to No Mercy to take on The Miz for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. The Miz gets in the ring and goes face-to-face with Jordan. Miz goes for a cheap shot, but Jordan hits a pair of belly-to-belly suplexes on him. The Miztourage quickly attacks him and double-teams away at him. Miz then hits Jordan with the Skull Crushing Finale. Miz poses with the title to end the show. Six-Pack Challenge was too rushed to get into. This character will be eaten alive before they know it by crowds if they stay the course. The build leading up to was so good, the bar may have been set too high for this episode. Elias, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Bo Dallas, and Curtis Axel E-Mail — Twitter — Thanks for reading! WRESTLEMANIA X X X I V THE REMATCH JOHN CENA VS. ROMAN REIGNS UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP BRAUN STROMAN VS. SHINSUKE NAKAMURA WWE CHAMPIONSHIP JINDER MAHAL VS. AJ STYLES BROCK LESNAR VS. KEVIN OWENS BOBBY ROODE VS. RANDY ORTON CAREER VS. CAREER MATCH TRIPLE H VS. SAMI ZAYN HELL IN A CELL MATCH SETH ROLLINS VS. DEAN AMBROSE SMACKDOWN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP THE USOS VS. THE REVIVAL RAW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP SHEAMUS AND CESARO VS. BAYLEY THE WYATT FAMILY VS. CHARLOTTE FLAIR INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP THE MIZ VS.